White Papers

Introducing the BiTurbo: a Revolution in RO Technology
The next generation of desalination will rely on multi-stage, high recovery reverse osmosis, delivering a lower cost of water and improving membrane performance.

MSMT - A Significant Process Improvement for SWRO
Executive Summary Seawater reverse osmosis systems (SWRO) are the mainstay of large-scale desalination systems. Plant designs have settled in a more or less standard configuration using a single membrane stage with permeate recoveries ranging from

Reverse Osmosis Pumps and ERDs: Making the Right Choice for Offshore Platforms and Marine Service
Executive Summary Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are widely accepted on offshore platforms and vessels.These marine applications require compact size, good efficiency and low weight and the utmost in reliability as a failure can result in large

ERD Efficiency: What System Builders and Consultants Need to Know
Executive Summary This White Paper addresses the impact of ERDs on the energy consumption of the RO process using an objective and fully transparent criteria. The analysis shows that published ERD efficiency data has virtually no correlation to the

What is the Water Bearing™ technology?
What is Water BearingTM technology The Water Bearing™ technology was developed for all FEDCO pumps to increase reliability and maintenance for reverse osmosis systems. The patented FEDCO Water Bearing™ uses the pump discharge pressure to produce a

The Shape of Efficiency
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Reduction in Capital Costs and Operating Cost of Containerized SWRO Systems
Executive Summary Installation of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems in shipping containers is a widely practiced method to achieve rapid deployment in remote areas and/or to reduce CAPEX by performing final assembly and testing of the system

Motorized Turbochargers
Executive Summary This paper will focus on the motorized turbocharger ERD or HEMI (Hydraulic Energy Management Integration) for SWRO applications. The HEMI can often have the lowest SEC value of any commercially available ERD. Energy Recovery

Why We Custom Design Every Turbocharger
Turbochargers are simple machines but represent a daunting hydraulic design challenge: Design the turbine end to create a pressure differential to match the brine flow and pressure duty point; Design the turbine with a best efficiency point (BEP)

Brine Flow Pressure Control in RO Systems using Turbochargers
Executive Summary Turbochargers have come to dominate small and medium SWRO brine energy recovery applications by virtue of low CAPEX, easy operation and very good energy recovery efficiency. The other function of the turbocharger is to help